THEMIS: A Tool for Decentralized Monitoring Algorithms

The paper entitled THEMIS: A Tool for Decentralized Monitoring Algorithms has been accepted as a tool-demonstration paper to ISSTA 2017, the 26th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. ISSTA 2017 will be held in Santa Barbara, California, USA, on July 10–14, 2017.

Below is an abstract of the paper:

THEMIS is a tool to facilitate the design, development, and analysis of decentralized monitoring algorithms; developed using Java and AspectJ. It consists of a library and command-line tools. THEMIS provides an API, data structures and measures for decentralized monitoring. These building blocks can be reused or extended to modify existing algorithms, design new more intricate algorithms, and elaborate new approaches to assess existing algorithms. We illustrate the usage of THEMIS by comparing two variants of a monitoring algorithm.

The pre-print of the paper can be downloaded on my publications Webpage.

THEMIS is open-source and available for download at

This is joint work with A. El-Hokayem, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria.