Topic E3: Model-based Design and Verification for Embedded Systems
at DATE 2018,
Dresden, GE
March 19 – 23, 2018
DATE 2018, will take place from 19 to 23 March, 2018, at the International Congress Center in Dresden, Germany.
The conference addresses all aspects of research into technologies for electronic and embedded systems engineering. An important part of the conference is devoted to modeling, analysis, design and deployment of embedded software.
We invite you to submit papers to Topic E3: Model-based Design and Verification for Embedded Systems.
Main topics of interest:
Verification techniques for embedded and cyber-physical systems ranging from simulation, testing, model-checking, SAT and SMT-based reasoning, compositional analysis and analytical methods. Modeling, analysis and optimization of non-functional and performance aspects such as timing, memory usage, QoS and reliability. Model-based design of software architectures and deployment. Theories, languages and tools supporting model-based design flows covering software, control and physical components. Monitoring and run-time verification of embedded systems.
Topic Chair: Petru Eles, Linköping University, SE
Topic Co-Chair: Borzoo Bonakdarpour, University of Waterloo, CA,
Topic Subcommittee Members:
- Sudipta Chattopadhyay, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), SG
- Ylies Falcone, University Grenoble Alpes, FR
- Florence Maraninchi, Verimag, FR
- Kristin Rozier, Iowa State University, US
- Lothar Thiele, ETH Zurich, CH
Please note:
- SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Sunday, 10 September, 2017.
- All papers have to be submitted electronically via the conference web page (see