The paper Efficient and Generalized Decentralized Monitoring of Regular Languages has been accepted to FORTE’14, the 34th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components and Systems, June 3-6, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
Below is the abstract of the paper.
This paper proposes an efficient and generalized decentralized monitoring algorithm allowing to detect satisfaction or violation of any regular specification by local monitors alone in a system without central observation point. Our algorithm does not assume any form of synchronization between system events and communication of monitors, uses state machines as underlying mechanism for efficiency, and tries to keep the number and size of messages exchanged between monitors to a minimum. We provide a full implementation of the algorithm with an open-source benchmark to evaluate its efficiency in terms of number, size of exchanged messages, and delay induced by communication between monitors. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm which outperforms the previous most general one along several (new) monitoring metrics.
This is joint work with Tom Cornebize and Jean-Claude Fernandez, LIG and Verimag lab, Grenoble.