I am happy to announce RV 2016 which I will be PC chairing with César Sanchez (IMDEA Madrid, Spain).
This year, RV will be supported by a strong program committee and will take place in a wonderful venue. RV will feature 3 keynote talks from world-class researchers, a summer school on Runtime Verification, a competition on tools for runtime verification, tutorials, and workshops.
Below are the important dates:
- Abstract deadline: May 8, 2016
- Paper and tutorial deadline: May 15, 2016
- Tutorial notification: June 1, 2016
- Paper notification: July 11, 2016
- Camera ready: August 8, 2016
- Summer school on Runtime Verification: September 23-25, 2016
- Workshops and tutorials: September 26-27, 2016
- Conference: September 28-30, 2016
Complete information about RV 2016 can be found at: